
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2012
  The Characters in the Minister’s Black Veil               Character is one of the important elements that appear in the fiction that handle a big role in developing the story. Character is defined for many definitions by literary expertise. Oxford describes character as the all the mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, and nation different from others (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: 186). Moreover, From Howthorne point of view, character is one of the important element in a fiction and it may well seem to be one of the least problematic term which analyses has to deal in studying fiction ( Howthorne, 1985 : 47) [1] . In addition, Mandell and Kirzner defines Character as a fictional representation of a person that contains of a psychological realistic depiction (Kirszner, Mandell : 71). In short, I conclude that character the image of the person that can be noticed both physically and psychologically.             Character is divided into many terms. A