
Menampilkan postingan dari 2012

Kerang Hitam vs Mutiara

Teringat talkshow di acara “Chatting dengan Ym” beberapa hari yang lalu dengan narasumber Jamil Az-zaini. Jamil Az zaini adalah seorang motivator handal. Kisah-kisah hidupnya sungguh sangat inspiratif. Masa kecil beliau sungguh sangat luar biasa. Ia dan keluargannya hidup di hutan. Sering kali ia makan seadanya. Bahkan, PP alias pulang pergi sekolah harus ia jalani dengan menempuh jarak yang sangat jauh. Hingga suatu hari ia tak tahan lagi menahan beban hidupnya. Lalu ia protes sambil menangis ke bapaknya, mengeluh beratnya hidup yang harus ia jalani. Mendengar keluhan anaknya, bapaknya jamil az-zaini memberi sedikit nasihat yang hingga kini ia jadikan sebagai pegangan hidupnya. Nak, kamu mau pilih jadi kerang hitam atau kerang mutiara? Kerang hitam di jual murah dipinggir jalan, 12rb per kilo. Sedangkan kerang mutiara dijual super mahal hingga jutaan rupiah. Kamu tau ndak bagaimana proses terbentuknya mutiara? Pertama kalinya, si kerang nangis, merintih menahan deraan pasir yang masu
  The Characters in the Minister’s Black Veil               Character is one of the important elements that appear in the fiction that handle a big role in developing the story. Character is defined for many definitions by literary expertise. Oxford describes character as the all the mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, and nation different from others (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: 186). Moreover, From Howthorne point of view, character is one of the important element in a fiction and it may well seem to be one of the least problematic term which analyses has to deal in studying fiction ( Howthorne, 1985 : 47) [1] . In addition, Mandell and Kirzner defines Character as a fictional representation of a person that contains of a psychological realistic depiction (Kirszner, Mandell : 71). In short, I conclude that character the image of the person that can be noticed both physically and psychologically.             Character is divided into many terms. A


by   : Sumti Chusna (10320009) Being a dreamer is good because it creates big motivation in our life. But, what will be happened if we dare to dream high without any supporting features? Dorothy Parkers had answered in his short story The Standard of Living . The standard of living is also tells about the modern life style which believes in hedonism, materialism, and self- indulgence. Hedonism and materialism allows humans to get much fun for their life without thinking others. Glamor life is the most urgent thing in human’s lifestyle who believes in hedonism and materialism. In addition, hedonism and materialism is contrast based on my Javanese culture. Moreover, according to my Javanese culture that still exists in its origin idea “the simple life is the most prestigious and wisdom life”. There are two characters that develops in this story; major and minor character. The minor characters are clerk, devil, shopkeeper, and Ms. Sylvia. However, Annabel and Midge are the major

lonely at 9 am

sendiri,, Malang-acapkali orang bilang. Bak ilalang tak karuan arahnya Tengak-tengok entah kemana tak karuan ujungnya. Singa kekar nan jantan kekar lagi sombong luar biasa Melantunkan sajak nada tinggi amat keras. uh,,sungguh tak pantas Matos, malang, 12/4/2012, 9.30 pm